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It's time to mend your merinos

Anne F

Here in Northland NZ the cold snap has just started. It's out with the woollens, only to find some have annoying little holes.

At Intercept we rescue many woollens. Some only need a repair, others become part of something new, and the felted ones that people have kindly washed and dried wrongly in their machines - well they're special and we treasure them.

The felted wool from these is perfect for mending or creating something new, because it doesn't unravel. This means that you can cut shapes from it and simply sew it over a mended hole to hide your mend.

We have created a new product for our Intercept shop inside the Salvation Army Family store in Whangarei to help you with your mending - felted wool kits, which contain 5 pieces of 8x8cm felted wool in different colours, plus a wind of black wool, in a net bag.

To mend a hole in your woollen, choose a wool that is similar in weight to what you are mending. This could be darning wool or even one strand of a 3 ply, making sure it is strong enough. For fine woollens, even embroidery thread will work.

After mending the hole apply your felted wool shape using a running stitch. A doubled strand of embroidery thread is fine for this.

The benefit of adding a felted wool patch over the top is that no one needs to see your mend, which is great if you are still perfecting your mending skills.

Visible mending has become on trend and is a badge of honour that you have bothered to rescue something and extend it's life. It can make an item even more precious to you because it becomes unique.

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